Staying Organized on the Road: Tips from Seasoned RVers

When it comes to life on the road, staying organized is key to fully enjoying the RV lifestyle. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a full-time traveler, keeping your space tidy and functional makes all the difference. We asked our Boondockers Welcome Facebook community how they stay organized while RVing, and their tips are as diverse and practical as the RVers themselves. Here’s what they had to say:

1. Less is More: Embrace Minimalism

The mantra of “less is more” is a guiding principle for many RVers. With limited space in an RV, overpacking can quickly turn your cozy haven into a cluttered mess. Member D. Andolini emphasizes the importance of adopting a minimalist mindset. The idea is simple: only bring what you truly need. This not only reduces clutter but also makes it easier to find and access the items that matter most.

C. Parker and S. Cray echo this sentiment, reminding us that the less you have, the easier it is to stay organized. For those just starting out, M. Minga offers a practical tip: “If you haven’t used something in a year, it’s time to take it out of your RV.” This philosophy can extend to everything from clothing to kitchen gadgets. When space is at a premium, every item should earn its keep.

2. Everything in Its Place: The Key to a Tidy RV

Keeping a tidy RV is much easier when every item has its designated spot. E. Fiveish shares the classic wisdom, “A place for everything and everything in its place.” This strategy not only helps in finding things when you need them but also in maintaining order.

C. Gill agrees, adding that the habit of putting things back where they belong immediately after use is crucial. The discipline to do this can be challenging, especially on a busy day, but it pays off in the long run by keeping your RV space organized and clutter-free.

For those who love a good DIY project, consider adding custom storage solutions to your RV. L. Kim found an innovative way to use a simple Xbox three-drawer plastic storage bin to organize her closet. She was able to hang her shirts and sweaters while keeping everything else neatly stored. Similarly, N. Whitney recommends fry baskets and plastic bins from Big Lots, which she discovered on YouTube. These bins are perfect for keeping small items contained and easy to find.

3. Clear Bins for the Win: Visibility Matters

One of the challenges of staying organized in an RV is keeping track of where everything is stored. This is where clear storage bins can be a game changer. J. Zaccagnino, who describes herself as an “ADHD person,” swears by them. She finds that clear bins help her remember where everything is stored, preventing the common “out of sight, out of mind” problem.

The ability to see what’s inside each bin at a glance can save time and reduce frustration. Whether you’re storing food, tools, or personal items, clear bins offer an easy way to stay organized. W. Wendes also favors clear, square or rectangular storage bins, which are ideal for maximizing space in an RV’s tight quarters.

4. Purge Often: The Secret to a Clutter-Free Life

Regularly decluttering your space is a must for staying organized on the road. A. S. Anderson recommends cleaning out your RV and donating unused items at least twice a year. This not only keeps your RV organized but also ensures you’re only traveling with what you really need.

A. Winterson adds that even after a year of full-timing, she still finds herself donating items on a monthly basis. It’s an ongoing process of reevaluating what you actually use and need. By keeping only the essentials, you’ll find it much easier to maintain a clutter-free and organized space.

And for those who struggle with letting go, C. Everett offers a practical guideline: “If you haven’t used it in 30 days, it’s time to get rid of it.” This approach helps in making quick decisions about what stays and what goes, ensuring that your RV doesn’t become overwhelmed with unnecessary items.

5. Practice Makes Perfect: The Art of Staying Organized

Organization isn’t something that happens overnight; it takes practice and persistence. T. Moore sums it up perfectly: “Practice, practice & practice.” The more you refine your process, the easier it becomes to maintain a tidy and efficient living space on the road.

R. Atkinson finds that rearranging cabinets from time to time helps in discovering new ways to store items more efficiently. It might take a few tries to get it right, but with each iteration, you’ll find your space becoming more functional and easier to live in.

And for those who feel overwhelmed by the process, D. Corjulo reminds us that RVing is about the experience, not just the equipment. He humorously admits to embracing a bit of clutter, focusing instead on the adventures and stories that come with life on the road.

Final Thoughts

Staying organized while RVing is a continuous process of simplifying, arranging, and reassessing. Whether it’s adopting a minimalist approach, using clear storage solutions, or making sure everything has its place, these tips from experienced RVers can help you create a more enjoyable and stress-free travel experience. Remember, the goal is to find what works best for you, so you can focus on what really matters—enjoying the journey.

By incorporating these strategies and staying mindful of your space, you’ll be well on your way to a more organized and fulfilling RV lifestyle. Safe travels!

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